Denied VA Claims? I'll Fix it.

I am thankful for the DAV, VFW, and other VSO’s for the work they do. But, they only win 1 in 3 VA Appeals and are backlogged.

Some veterans need more dedicated support to win. I’m a former military pilot, disabled veteran, and one of a handful of legally Accredited VA Claims Representatives.

There are no charges for initial claims ever, and only a small fee out of your winnings if I win your Appeal. You have a greater chance of winning if I take your Appeal. If you want to know more, register below or call.

Billy Jackson

OGC Accredited VA Representative

MBA, USMC 2001-2009

Accreditation Number: 57667; POA Code K1E


mobile: 910-548-4118 call Anytime

Please Contact Me and Let Me Know What I Can Do

Please select the situation that applies to you and I will contact you within 24 hours. I service all veterans and dependents regardless of combat status. I proudly serve our combat veterans of WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, the Persian Gulf, OEF, and OIF:

Veteran who lost (was denied) by the VA for a Disability Claim, Disability Appeal, or wants to file an Increase Claim.

Veteran who needs to file an original (totally new) VA Disability Claim or Pension Claim.

Spouse or Dependent who needs to file an original (totally new) Pension, DIC, or DEA Claim.

Please Share us if you know Veterans that need our help:

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

This Veteran Appeals and Benefits Service is the best in the United States. All Initial Claims I take are handled for free. For Appeals, you pay a small Percentage of Backpay Only if I Win Your Appeal or a small monthly fee for 12 months instead of the Backpay payment method if that better fits your case. I plan to win every case I take, and I take as many as possible.

In the event I cannot take your case, I am still here for you! When you fill out one of the contact sheets above, no matter your situation, I will refer you to the right resources even if I don't take your case. I help veterans! That is my mission above profit!

Below, you will find a step-by-step guidebook to filing VA Claims and Appeals. Initial Claims can be done by the Veteran themselves. This book is an easy-to-follow guide on how to do VA Claims yourself. While I do not recommend doing VA Appeals yourself, if you are willing to put in the time and research, Appeals can be done yourself as well.

For Appeals in particular, the bottom line is that only methodical detailed paperwork will ensure that you win your Appeal. We can do that, you can do that, or another highly skilled VA Claims Agent can do that. There are not many individuals out there that will actually sift through the weeds with you to ensure you have the absolute best representation for your VA Appeals. That is what I do.

Within the guidebook below, you are guided through the process in the way I've found works best for both VA Claims and VA Appeals. It references the applicable links to current VA forms and resources.

Veteran Appeals Center is in no way connected to the profit from the book. I just found, that it is the most comprehensive and optimum way to pursue most claims and appeals, so I recommend it as a resource for those filing claims or appeals themselves.